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Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Workers Need Social Security

JAKARTA, - The management of PT Jamsostek (Persero) continue to boost the amount of participation. Workers need a social security so that they can work more quietly and productivity increases.

Director of Membership Ansyori Jamsostek Ahmad argues, it optimizes the National Movement involving Mandatory Social Security Employers' Association of Indonesia, unions, the Ministry of Manpower and Transmigration, the Ministry of State Owned Enterprises, and local governments. Social Security is the right of workers according to the Act (Act) No. 3 of 1992 on Social Security.

According to the Act, Social Security Insurance program runs Accidents, Health Insurance, Old Age Security, and Security Death. Workers and employers to pay a fee sharing program, except Health Insurance fees are fully paid by employers.

Over the last two years, Social Security is also working with high prosecution in Indonesia for law enforcement. So far, there have been several companies that are reluctant to run the Social Security Act are processed entirely legal.

Currently, there are 153 938 active companies pay dues regularly and 100 140 inactive. As of 34.28 million workers who participated in Social Security, 10.25 million active paying dues and 24 million people no longer pay dues.

Previously, Director of Social Security Hotbonar Sinaga states, proposing Social Security Minister of Manpower and Transmigration No. 24 of 2006 on the Employment of Foreign Manpower increased to government regulations. Permennakertrans Social Security is a legal basis to hold informal workers as participants in the program.

Of the 117.4 million person work force by Indonesia in August 2011, 70 percent of them are informal workers. They generally work independently without an employer or self-employed, but also requires the social security.

Although Social Security will move into the Social Security Administering Bodies (BPJS) employment since January 1, 2014, which effectively operate from July 1, 2015, in accordance with Law No. 24/2011 on BPJS, management continues to improve its current membership number. "The increase in benefits for the participant is still our focus," said Hotbonar, Tuesday (02/14/2012) in Jakarta.